According to a report,The Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission, arrested an Abuja-based Twitter user, Oluwadarasimi Omoseyin, with the handle @SimisolaGold and Twitter name Simisola of Lala, for offering new naira notes for sale on social media.
Although Omoseyin was yet to mention other members of the syndicate, she was cooperating with investigation.The arrest was as a result of intelligence received which led the ICPC officials to seek out and promptly arrest the suspect.
Spokesperson for the anti-graft agency, Mrs. Azuka Ogugua,issued this in a statement as she said; “Oluwadarasimi Omoseyin, a social media ‘serial entrepreneur,’ who deals in skincare, sales of fuel, facilitation of foreign travels through visa acquisitions, and other businesses, seized the opportunity of the scarcity of the new naira notes to openly market the new notes.“It is believed that she is in collusion with key elements in the financial services sector diverting the newly released notes away from banking halls and payment channels into a ‘black market.”
Ogugua further noted that Omoseyin is currently in the ICPC detention and is helping the commission with its findings on the criminal trading of the naira and the attendant scarcity and negative economic outcomes being caused by the action.