In a devastating betrayal of trust, an Arabic teacher, Oladosu Sakiru, has been sentenced to 21 years in prison for attempting to sexually assault a 13-year-old female student.
The sentence was handed down by Justice Rahman Oshodi of the Ikeja Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Court.
The court’s decision came after Sakiru pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted sexual assault by penetration and indecent treatment of a child.
According to Justice Oshodi, Sakiru’s actions demonstrated a pattern of predatory behavior, and his attempt to shift blame to the devil was unacceptable.
“You betrayed this trust in the most deplorable manner,” Oshodi said, emphasizing that religious leaders and teachers hold a sacred place in society and must be held accountable for their actions.
The prosecution presented compelling evidence against Sakiru, including testimony from the survivor and her father.
Despite the defense counsel’s plea for leniency, citing Sakiru’s status as a first-time offender with two wives to care for, the court opted for a harsher sentence.
The jail terms will run consecutively, and Sakiru’s name will be registered in the Lagos State Sexual Offences Register.
This case highlights the importance of holding perpetrators of sexual assault accountable, particularly those in positions of trust.
As Justice Oshodi noted, “When such individuals break the trust placed in them by preying upon children, the court must respond with appropriate severity to reflect society’s condemnation and deter others from committing similar acts.”