Sinéad O’Connor, the Irish singer and activist has passed away at the age of 56. The vocalist known for her exceptional songwriting abilities that evoked her views on politics and spirituality died on Wednesday, according to a statement by her family.“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Sinéad,” the statement reads.“Her family and friends are devastated and have requested privacy at this very difficult time.”
The cause of death, however, remained undisclosed.Tributes have continued to pour in for the singer.Leo Varadkar, Irish prime minister, took to messaging platform X also known as Twitter to share his condolences.
Born Sinead Marie Bernadette O’Connor in Glenageary, County Dublin, in December 1966, the singer had spoken of her difficult childhood. She also revealed her mother was troubled and abusive.In 2021, she published a memoir detailing the childhood abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother – who died in a car accident in 1985.
In 1987, O’Connor put out her first critically acclaimed album titled ‘The Lion And The Cobra’. The project topped charts in the UK and the US and earned her a Grammy nomination for best female vocal rock performance.She gained global fame after the release of her second album, ‘I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got’. The body of work included O’Connor’s hit song ‘Nothing Compares 2 U’. Written by Prince, the song reached number one around the world, including in the US and the UK.
O’Connor is survived by her three children. Her 17-year-old son Shane died in January 2022.Shane was found dead after being reported missing two days previously.