It was gathered that there was a building collapse at Kofar Mata Hauren Gadagi area of Kano which collapsed from the top floor killing two siblings aged 15 and 11 years
Alhaji Saminu Abdullahi, the spokesperson of the Kano State Fire Service disclosed this in a statement on Saturday added that eldest sibling of the deceased children aged 17 years, was rescued alive.“We received a distress call at about 10:50 p.m. from one Jamilu Salisu-Zango that the 50 feet x 40 feet structure used as dwelling house collapsed from the top floor.We sent our rescue team to the scene and the three siblings were brought out of the debris. Two of them were unconscious,’’ he stated.
The victims were rushed to the Murtala Muhammad Special Hospital for medical attention where doctors confirmed two of the siblings dead.The corpses were handed over to the police at Kofar Wambai Police Station, while investigation into the accident went underway.