Kentucky man arrested for allegedly shooting roommate after eating last ‘Hot Pocket’

Report received that one Kentucky man allegedly shot his roommate in the backside after accusing him of eating the last Hot Pocket snack in the house.

The Louisville Metro Police Department says that the victim, who has not been named, suffered non-life-threatening injuries in the bizarre incident.

Name , identified as Clifton Williams, 64, was arrested on Sunday and charged with second-degree assault, according to the police. When he appeared in court on Monday Mr Williams pleaded not guilty, according to Louisville’s WAVE.


Police citation stated that a physical fight had first broken out over the fate of the frozen food.Mr Williams got mad he ate the last Hot Pocket,” the citation read, and allegedly “began throwing tiles at him.”The victim tried to fight back and threatened Mr Williams before leaving the home.Investigators claim that Mr Williams then got a gun and followed the victim outside where he shot him in the backside.The victim travelled several blocks to get help and was taken to the University of Louisville Hospital for treatment.

Mr Williams was however released on a $7,500 bond and is due back in court on 30 May for a preliminary hearing in the case. He faces between five to 10 years if convicted of second-degree assault.

In Kentucky, that offence is charged if someone “intentionally causes physical injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon or a dangerous instrument.”

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